God in Flesh...the Living Word Immanuel - God With UsEscalon Christian Reformed ChurchDecember 25, 2023Pastor Brent
A Glimpse of His True Glory Immanuel - God With UsEscalon Christian Reformed ChurchDecember 24, 2023Pastor Dave
The Glory of God Returns Immanuel - God With UsEscalon Christian Reformed ChurchDecember 17, 2023Pastor Dave
Jealous and Alone? Immanuel - God With UsEscalon Christian Reformed ChurchDecember 10, 2023Pastor Dave
Jesus, Our Only Foundation, Provider, and Source of Growth 1 CorinthiansEscalon Christian Reformed ChurchNovember 26, 2023Pastor Lucas
Firmly Anchored in Christ Reformation - Canons of DEscalon Christian Reformed ChurchNovember 26, 2023Pastor Brent
The Holy Spirit Reveals God's Wisdom 1 CorinthiansEscalon Christian Reformed ChurchNovember 19, 2023Pastor Dave
Drawn by the Father Reformation - Canons of DEscalon Christian Reformed ChurchNovember 19, 2023Pastor Dave
Christ's Atonement is Specific Reformation - Canons of DEscalon Christian Reformed ChurchNovember 12, 2023Pastor Brent
Unconditional Election Reformation - Canons of DEscalon Christian Reformed ChurchNovember 5, 2023Pastor Dave
How Sinful Are We? Reformation - Canons of DEscalon Christian Reformed ChurchOctober 29, 2023Pastor Brent